The rise of the remote worker, and how to keep workplace training unified

Remote working can keep the workforce unified, says Jon Loftin. 

Reading time: 2m 30s.

It is predicted by 2025, Millennials will make 75% of the workforce. Increasingly 70% of this workforce will want flexible working options. With the change of the modern workplace already taking effect, employers must consider how this is the new norm and have the right procedures and policies in place. 

Employers must use the benefits of an agile workforce by introducing best practices to ensure that employees are well equipped to succeed in their roles by supporting agile workers equally to the traditional worker. This includes providing effective training. 

There are two major hurdles to overcome for remote workers and workplace training to consider. First, communication as it is likely the training will not be conducted in a traditional workplace setting. Second, collaboration. Tackling how remote workers train collaboratively with other team members to ensure a consistent experience across the board.  


Communication is key 

Luckily, technology allows the workforce to be better connected through tools on mobile phones, laptops or tablets. Whether simple text messengers are used or video calling systems, the workplace network is more connected than ever. 

The introduction of VR and augmented reality could also be introduced to provide simulations of scenarios of the work environment for employees that may not be able to have face-to-face communication. The range of communication tools allows for training to be done in a variety of ways.

Whether simple text messengers are used or video calling systems, the workplace network is more connected than ever. 

Whether it is an online learning tool resource, allowing the worker to work through in their own chosen working hours; or face-to-face lessons over a video messaging service. Technological advancements allow the remote worker access in a flexible capacity. 

These communications can also be used to follow up and schedule regular meetings to ensure that knowledge gaps are filled for flexible workers and they are receiving the same updates and ongoing communications from the workplace. 

Having regular open communication channels allows a workplace culture to exist and still thrive. 

Introduce best practice guidelines for a collaborative approach 

Flexible workers may not all have the same fixed hours of work, however it is important to establish some policies and best practice for all workers to abide to, to ensure a fair and responsible workplace. 
Best practice also allows businesses to have some responsibility for their employees and outlines general situational responses in the workplace. 

For a fully collaborative environment, workers should be introduced initially face-to-face, this could be during training or introductions to make sure that remote workers are aware of organisational structures and members of the team they may work with in the future, albeit in a remote way. 

This is not just to maintain a strong workplace culture but also to ensure projects have the right resources used for the best outcome. Scheduling conference calls weekly to give updates on projects and having open discussions can help in retaining a connected and collaborative workforce. 

Having set guidelines in place can help business leaders to achieve some harmony for all employees.


About the author

Jon Loftin is unified communications specialist at PowWowNow.


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