August 2024

4 Minutes
Culture For experienced L&D professionals For freelancers, consultants & small businesses For HR For L&D managers For new to L&D For people managers For senior L&D Mental health Opinion Wellbeing

The five pillars of workplace wellness: A guide for businesses 

By integrating workplace wellbeing into your strategy, you can boost morale, productivity and employee satisfaction. Tara Lochery explains how  Workplace wellness has never been more important as companies increasingly recognise […]...
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4 Minutes
Business and industry For experienced L&D professionals For freelancers, consultants & small businesses For HR For L&D managers For new to L&D For people managers For senior L&D Government and politics Opinion Skills

Switching up the skills sector: Why we need a system for all ages and levels 

A well-designed Growth and Skills Levy is crucial; it must benefit all employees across industries, writes Nichola Hay  Kickstarting economic growth is at the heart of the new Labour government’s […]...
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4 Minutes
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Delivering learning & training For experienced L&D professionals For freelancers, consultants & small businesses For L&D managers For people managers For senior L&D Opinion Strategy Technology

Go for gold: 4 tips to elevate employee training with game-based learning

Making training fun boosts skill retention. Transform your strategy with game-based learning to engage employees and improve results, writes James Micklethwait  With recent research highlighting learning support as the top […]...
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7 Minutes
Delivering learning & training Features For experienced L&D professionals For freelancers, consultants & small businesses For L&D managers For new to L&D For senior L&D Learning design Measurement Return on investment/Value of investment

What is the Kirkpatrick model? A comprehensive guide for L&D professionals

The Kirkpatrick assessment model evaluates the effectiveness of training programmes. Learn how to use it with these tips from Eleanor Hecks   The Kirkpatrick model is an evaluation tool that has set many learning […]...
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5 Minutes
Features For experienced L&D professionals For freelancers, consultants & small businesses For L&D managers For people managers For senior L&D Leadership Managing teams Mental health Psychology Wellbeing

Unlocking hope and belonging: The hidden keys to employee wellbeing and retention  

The impact of hope, belonging and manager support in transforming employee wellbeing and mental health. Insights from Brad Smith  Research has shown that resilience offers organisations many competitive advantages. Highly […]...
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4 Minutes
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Delivering learning & training Engagement For experienced L&D professionals For freelancers, consultants & small businesses For L&D managers For new to L&D For senior L&D Future of work Learning design Opinion

Ignite L&D momentum: Focus on three key areas 

To drive truly impactful L&D, focus on customised learning, cutting-edge technology, and full organisational involvement – Steve Macaulay has your three-step guide  Are your L&D initiatives fresh and impactful? To […]...
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7 Minutes
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Change Coaching & mentoring Creativity & innovation Culture Digital literacy & digital poverty Features For experienced L&D professionals For freelancers, consultants & small businesses For L&D managers For senior L&D Future of work Management Strategy Technology

How is AI affecting employee learning and development? 

Is AI the silver bullet for L&D? How can we take advantage and remain human? In this feature, Jo Cook looks at the evidence and shares her perspective The use […]...
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