TJ Newsflash: 25 September – Do you have the right skills, call time on hustling or have a job that sparks satisfaction?

Weekly News written in blocks on a dark background.

The latest L&D news, reports, research and updates, personally compiled by TJ’s Editor, Jo Cook

AI and Leadership Skills Crucial – but what is lacking?

“This data highlights a significant issue: one-third of the workforce is questioning if they have the right skills to excel in their roles,” said Ciara Harrington, Chief People Officer, Skillsoft about new research exploring the current state of workplace skills and talent development programs.

The surveyed employees rated leadership skills as the most critical for success in today’s workplace, followed by soft skills (e.g. communication, emotional intelligence), technology skills, and AI/machine learning skills. Respondents also acknowledged that their manager views leadership skills as the most important competency for team members to have, but nearly a third (31%) said this is their greatest skill gap. Over two-in-five (43%) said the same about their AI/machine learning skills.

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UK workers call time on hustle culture

  • Return to office mandates continue to miss the mark as 74% of UK workers still prefer hybrid work
  • Nearly three quarters (73%) of UK employees willing to sacrifice their salary for a four-day work week
  • A supportive boss is almost as important (89%) as salary compensation (90%)

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Climate change and AI side-lined as British boards focus on survival over future proofing

Amid continued economic volatility and challenging trading conditions, research among 200 Board Directors reveals a surprising lack of focus on future-proofing risks.

Only 8% consider cybersecurity one of the top three risks facing their organisations, while other critical issues like AI (4%) and the environment (2%) lag further behind in board risk and opportunity assessments.

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Surprise careers that spark job satisfaction

A new study on job satisfaction has uncovered the professions with the happiest workers, highlighting where creativity, autonomy, and passion play key roles in job contentment.

In celebration of the International Week of Happiness at Work (beginning on Monday, September 23rd), Bubblegum Search analysed popular Reddit threads, examining over 2,000 comments from individuals sharing details about their jobs and whether it brings them happiness.

Car Designers and Animators are among the top professions for job satisfaction. One of the more unconventional professions on the list, Dog Photographers come in sixth place.

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Apprenticeships lauded for HR career progression

Apprenticeships offer ambitious HR professionals the best way to stay on top of significant legal changes and to progress their careers.

That’s the opinion of Angela Kaine, Operations Director for Programmes at leading training provider Realise, who said signing up for an apprenticeship demonstrates commitment and dedication to best practice. And apprenticeships are perfectly positioned to offer real-life experience and learning resilience, Angela believes.

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2024 Fosway 9-Grid™ finds Cloud HR market growing steadily with AI capabilities

Fosway Group’s latest analysis of the Cloud-based HR systems market, the 2024 Fosway 9-Grid for Cloud HR, reveals a market that is continuing with modest growth despite dampened wider economic conditions across the UK and EMEA.

While growth has stalled for many vendors, some leading providers report growth rates upwards of 20%. This cautiously positive but mixed picture is resulting in an ongoing trend of ecosystem consolidation and vendor acquisitions.

Read more on Learning News.