CPL Online delivers added value for clients through its Big Data Platform

Software and e-learning specialist, CPL Online has introduced a series of added value reporting and data analysis functions for its clients as a result of its sophisticated Big Data Platform.

Clients whose training platforms have been developed and are hosted and managed by CPL Online have the ability to analyse billions of rows of data, leading to a better understanding of their workforce and the potential to benefit from cost savings to their business.


David Dasher, Managing Director of CPL Online, who also sits on HPCC Systems Community Advisory Board, said: “How it works is that we build algorithms around the data which means we can process and analyse vast amounts in real time. It has allowed us to build customised software for every client and as it stands we have accumulated over half a billion rows of data with the capacity to increase over the next 20 years.”


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The company, which was formed in 2010 and specialises in bespoke digital services and products as well as e-learning training for the hospitality sector, switched to using the Big Data Platform in 2012. The platform, powered by HPCC Systems®, from LexisNexis® Risk Solutions, one the world’s biggest data analytics companies, has enabled CPL Online to revolutionise the way in which it processes data.


Since its inception, CPL simply doesn’t just track pass or fail data, but tracks every button clicked, time spent on each page of a course and the time spent on each question and processes between 200-3,000 rows of data per individual course.  


By collecting a huge repository of data since its implementation, CPL now use this unique data to track user trends and spot unusual or suspicious training activity and also highlight the best performing staff. It has also enabled CPL Online to add new features to their brand new, built-for-mobile e-learning courses, which will shortly be launched. A new gamification feature will also be implemented into its software in order to improve user experience.


“For example, take a business with 3,000 employees in the hospitality sector. Each employee’s training and development is managed online via the CPL Online Learning Management System, also known as the Console. The large volume of rows of data we process means that we can identify people who have completed a course too quickly or could have been potentially aided by another person,” added Dasher.




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