Do you want to think more broadly and engage more people in the L&D process? Get ready to unlock the potential of continuous improvement, writes Martin Couzins Return on investment […]...
Fear, silence, and missed opportunities: Sophie Seex looks at the barriers to psychological safety in the workplace It makes headlines when organisation’s catastrophically fail: The Boeing disaster, the demise of […]...
Fujitsu’s Amanda Chinnery shares her thoughts and ideas about helping solve the digital skills shortage During a period of economic instability in the UK, the HR and talent industry has […]...
Martin Couzins highlights those stubborn data findings about L&D and encourages us to use the data for our own organisations Benchmarking is a process of measuring products and services against […]...
Ramesh Ramani looks at the need for efficient skills verification and examines how technology tools are reshaping industries and offering real-time solutions In the recent Gartner Leadership Vision for LandD […]...
Paul Heath calls upon all learning and development pros to be ready for technological change The pressure on businesses and their employees to adopt technology and transform digitally is ever-increasing. […]...
Luke Smith offers ideas on how to reassure employees they won’t be replaced by artificial intelligence As AI becomes increasingly capable, even employees in highly skilled industries are becoming concerned […]...
Young people face an uncertain future due to inequality, Nichola Hay suggests that professional apprenticeship offer real opportunities for the next generation to thrive At first glance, the latest annual […]...
This month Martin Couzins asks is there a better way for corporate learning buyers and vendors to do business? What does an L&D leader looking to invest in new learning […]...